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This demo editor reveals only a fraction of the complexity and flexibility you’ll be able to enjoy. One thing in common is that all these settings and many more are just as easy to make in the DevSaver CMS, just by clicking.

Take a look at the actual CMS of this website template but please note that certain editing actions are not allowed in demo mode because it will change our frontend setup.

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Supports colors for any of the elements inside the counter, holder line, full line, resource insider the counter. For full line you can mix as many colors you want to get some very nifty gradients. For holder line you can even use transparent color.


Allows to configure the thikness of the lines and the capping of the full line: round, square or line.


Use any size you want, it will automaticaly take the width of the container it is in. Best option to control the width is in combination with [blankbox /] shortcode.

Shortcode Attributes:

  • value - 0-100 percentage of the filled circle
  • color - #hexcode, default: skin default. Filled circle
  • holder - #hexcode|transparent, default: skin default. Unfilled circle
  • thickness - value (px), thickness of the circle, default: skin default
  • linecap - round|butt|square, default: round
  • res - none|icon|title|perc, default: perc.
  • title_size - value (px|em|rem), default: inherits element size. If no unit is specified px is used
  • icon - icon class, eg: "icommon icon-checkmark"
  • res_size - value (px|em|rem), default: inherits element size. If no unit is specified px is used
  • res_color - #hexcode, default: skin default
  • class - custom css class to the wrapping element for future customization

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